What April Showers Will Bring On This Blog This Month

I know some of you might have just recently had snow, and last Friday it was 98 degrees here! Either way, it doesn't quite feel like April! But then again, April is always temperamental, isn't it?

Coming up this month on the blog, I have some fun stuff in the works.

On an unrelated note, I've been awarded several blogging awards and I haven't had time to write about them. So here they are: 

Kez from A Sinner Following Jesus and Bethany from Our 3 Sons Plus 1 Super Cute Girly Girl both awarded me a Versatile Blogger Award!

And, Tara from Haute Lunch (isn't that the cutest name for a fashion blog?) gave me the Stylish blogger Award!

Now, the rules state that you must share seven things about yourself for each award, but because I'm so behind, I'm going to cheat a little bit and instead of sharing 21 things about myself, I'm going to just share seven! 
The rules also say to pass on the blog award to 7-15 other bloggers. I've thought about this long and hard. There are just so, so many blogs I love. I've passed on awards before to some of them, but right now, I just can't pick and choose. I wouldn't want to leave anyone out. You all are wonderful people with amazing stories and great blogs, and I'm so grateful that you choose to spend a few minutes with me here! 

I'm rather behind on responding to comments, but please know that they do mean a lot to me and I'm very, very thankful that you took the time to share your thoughts! 

So, what do you think about the possibility of a fashion series here? What do you have coming up in April? 
